Bienvenidos Emily! Reading your post has me smiling and has revived my excitement for this trip so I can now get through this last flight to Lima. Your point about learning for the sake of learning versus academic validation really struck me. I think this is such a cool opportunity with a highly motivated group of individuals who are really committed to actually learning. And you have the best attitude about missing phone! I mean people survived pre-cell phones right?

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Thanks Orla :) Even though I have my phone back now, I am committed to *living in the moment* with you all <3.

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May 23Liked by Emily Que

I loved hanging out with you guys when we went out!! I'm excited for us to have more moments soon. We will gab and gash and chat and have so much fun. Perhaps having no phone will be a (forcibly) enlightening experience!

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Gabbing and gashing with you all is definitely on my priority list <3

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"I feel that in the past, I did not focus on learning or challenging myself in courses"

Yes, not too late to change this! :)

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