"I found the plot of the story difficult to map out as the structure of the book is episodic and arguably does not follow a linear structure." It is true, the novel challenges us and disrupts our Western notions of time and space. But this is noticeable at all levels, for example in the language that Arguedas uses to tell the story. In some way you share with the author of the novel the question about the real. And it seems to me that you are finding some answers for yourself, thanks to your openness to other spaces. You are also finding your own language to express yourself.

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Hi Emily,

Thank you for sharing your interpretations and questions! I definitely relate. I think we live in a world where we are pulled in so many directions by so many conflicting demands. It's difficult to reconcile these demands, and to unearth who we are and what we truly value. I think about our discussions of what it means to be "modern", while staying true to our communities and traditions.

Take care,


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Thanks for your reply Cissy! I enjoy talking to you about these issues since you always validate people's experiences. Thanks for bringing up the conversation of what it means to be "modern" as it is difficult to reconcile these different identities in our highly globalized societies.

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Ugh Emily this is so geniune and <3333. I especially loved your comment about the pathologization of the imposter syndrome. I wonder, though perhaps the syndrome, the pathology is not the individual themselves but our current sociological context in which our experiences are no longer grounded to our communities. Maybe then, we will all find ways to ground each other.

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Hi Annie, that is an interesting way to look at it. I love your redirection and focus on the community as there is a lack of social cohesiveness in our modern society. When writing this post, I was partly inspired by your vulnerability in sharing some of your feelings and believe that we can find ways to ground each by being more vulnerable like you were with me, so thank you for being an amazing model on how to connect with others.

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Love this post, Emily.

I find it really relevant comparison of Arguedas’ existence in between yet apart of contracting identities to the experience of authenticity in personal transit. I think that questioning is valid throughout life as we continue to strive to new places as “alien/foreigner” and must again challenge what we held as certain.

I admire the truth you’ve shared here :)

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Hi Emma, thanks for your comment! After hearing some of your stories and travelling with you these past few weeks, I really admire how you build a home for yourself and connect with the community wherever you go <3

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