"Overall, I am incredibly touched by the kindness and generosity of many Peruvians." So true! I can say that I feel at home in this country. They are very warm people, and they always try to make us feel good with small details. I understand why many try to stay here.

Following on from Morgan's question: have your Zumballyu skills improved?

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Hey Emily,

You really got in there! I also encountered a vendor who sold "alpaca" metal, but his tone was much more cautionary. Apparently it's common to find sellers in the plaza de armas in Cusco who sell alpaca jewelry as if it was silver! They take advantage of the yellow lighting to do this! It's nice that you found an honest person who told you what it was regardless of the reduction of value. Personally I still think alpaca jewelry is cool.


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Hi Emily, I love love love your writing style and how you recap all of your adventures, it really suits the title teheh (I can't believe I just noticed until now). Cissy and I bumbed into the same weaver, I love that we're drawn to the same moments on the street, all of your interactions and photos radiate with so much joy and life. Thank you for sharing,


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HI Emily,

Thank you for including me in your post! This of course means I must comment! I love our exciting adventures together, from dancing with Peruvian ladies to learning how to spin a zumballyu with Angelo. I learn so much when I'm with you.

Take care,


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Hi Emily, that’s so surprising about the “alpaca” metal I’ve never heard that but I’m glad you found something you liked. Pisac does seem quieter overall but it’s nice you’ve found pockets of fun like the street dancing. Could we call that the “real Peru”?? Looking forward to seeing your Zumballyu skills progress over the next few weeks.

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